Samsung launched the Snapdragon 800 powered Galaxy S4 with LTE-A support few month back, and now the company has officially launched the upgraded version of Samsung Galaxy S4 Active in Korea today. Dubbed as Samsung Galaxy S4 Active LTE-A, the smartphone comes with LTE-Advanced connectivity and better specifications than the original Galaxy S4 Active.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Active LTE-A comes with a 5-inch Full HD TFT LCD display with GloveTouch tech, upgraded 2.3GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor with Adreno 330 GPU, 2GB RAM and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
The smartphone also comes with improved 13MP rear camera with LED flash, 2MP front facing camera, 32GB internal storage with 64GB microSD card expansion and 2,600 mAh battery.
There's no word on international availability of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active LTE-A.