Micromax, the number 2 smartphone manufacturer in India has confirmed that it will be launching its Canvas LapTab next month in India which is a dual-OS device and runs on Android and Windows. There were earlier reports that the plan to launch the tablet-laptop hybrid device was put on hold but the same now has gone for a toss after the official confirmation.
Microsoft and Google are believed to be pressurizing OEMs to stop their plans of dual-OS devices with Huawei being the first company to rescind its plans of launching a dual-OS smartphone. Taiwanese manufacturer Asus has also postponed its plans to launch a dual-OS device, Transformer Book Duet TD300, which they showcased this year at CES 2014 in January.
The Canvas LapTab was showcased at the CES 2014 in January. It was due for a launch in February but the same has been delayed slightly. To remind you all, Micromax Canvas LapTab comes with a 10.1-inch IPS display with 1280x800 pixel resolution, 1.46GHz Intel Celeron N2805 processor, 2GB RAM, 2MP front facing camera, 32GB internal storage with up to support for 64GB microSD card and 7,400 mAh battery.
The LapTab also comes with a detachable keyboard dock, which has its own 230 mAh battery, HDMI port, one USB 3.0, two USB 2.0 and support for Bluetooth 4.0 and WiFi. It will run on Android as well as Windows with the users getting an option to choose the operating system at the time of starting the LapTab.
Micromax is slowly emerging as one of the better and premium manufacturers of Android devices which are better than the rest. The LapTab is one such device and will surely spark an all new segment.