Samsung has just launched the Galaxy S5 Active and it is now working on a rugged version of its Galaxy Tab 4. But the thing with the Galaxy S5 is that it is the flagship smartphone and getting a weather-proof version of the same makes a lot of sense. But Samsung plans on bringing the weather-proofing on a budget and has just applied for a trademark with the name of Galaxy Tab 4 Active in Norway.
“Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Active” will be a sort of a benchmark in the budget tablet arena as none of the other budget tablets come with an IP xx rating. The only other tablet to have got itself water and dust proofing is the Xperia Z and Xperia Z2 tablet.
It is expected to feature a tank-like design philosophy similar to the S5 Active. Information about the specifications is unknown for the time being but they won't be much different from the regular Tab 4 Series.
On the flipside, many may argue that you do not really need a rugged tablet but if you see, have a functionality as good as a weather and dust proofing helps in times when it is just impossible to take out your regular device (say rain). And who knows you might just drop your tablet in water or on street. Yes, it cannot be the deciding factor when going in for a tablet but it surely is a pretty handy feature to have.