The smartwatch market is all set to get crowded this year with launch of Android Wear based devices. We have already seen the announcement of such devices from Motorola, LG and Samsung with two of them (LG G Watch and Samsung Gear Live) available on pre-order. Now, it appears like another vendor is planning to take the wraps off its Android Wear device in the third quarter of this year. The talk is about the Taiwanese vendor Asus that has announced its intention of releasing a smartwatch based on Android Wear this year.
According to a report by TechCrunch, a source with knowledge about the company’s future plans confirms that Asus will launch an Android Wear smartwatch sometime in September. It also suggests that the device will arrive with an AMOLED display and will cost lesser than the LG and Samsung offerings. As per the source, the pricing of the Asus smartwatch will fall between $99 and $149.
It appears like the Asus has decided to wait to launch its Android Wear device later in order not to rush and launch it soon and ruin the efforts. LG admitted at its press conference that it could not include a heart rate monitor in the G Watch due to time constraints.
As per earlier reports, Asus could include gesture control on its smartwatch to enable wristborne computing on the small screen, but this came in before the introduction of Android Wear and so it remains unclear if this will be a part of the upcoming wearable device.
With the increase in the number of smartwatches based on Android Wear, it looks like all the Android device manufacturers will jump to the bandwagon of making such devices in a short while.