LG has silently launched two new mid-range Android smartphones in the Indian market. Dubbed as LG G3 Stylus and LG L Bello, both the smartphones were originally announced way back in August along with LG L Fino. LG has launched the G3 Stylus and L Bello in Black, White and Gold colours and has priced both at Rs. 21,500 and Rs. 18,500 respectively.
LG has also silently released the LG L Fino in the country. The L Fino along with L Bello and G3 Stylus is now available across India. The L Fino comes in white and black colours and is available for Rs. 11,980 from online retailer Flipkart.
The new smartphones have a G3-like design philosophy and also comes with power and volume buttons on the back. On the software front, the phones comes with G3's software features, like QuickMemo+, Dual Window, Smart Keyboard, Touch & Shoot camera, Gesture Shot, and Knock Code.
Talking about the specifications, LG G3 Stylus comes with an 5.5-inch qHD IPS display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM and Android 4.4.2 KitKat. Other specifications include an 13MP rear camera with LED flash, 1.3MP front facing camera, 8GB internal storage with microSD card support and 3,000 mAh battery. Connectivity series include 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS.
On the other-hand, LG L Bello comes with a 5.0-inch FWVGA IPS display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM and Android 4.4.2 KitKat. Other specifications include an 8MP auto focus rear camera with LED flash, 1MP front facing camera, 8GB internal storage with expandable using microSD card slot and 2,540 mAh battery. Connectivity series include 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS.
Lastly, LG L Fino comes with a 4.5-inch WVGA IPS display, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM and Android 4.4.2 KitKat. Other specifications include an 8MP rear camera with LED flash, 0.3MP (VGA) front facing camera, 4GB internal storage with expandable using microSD card and 1,900 mAh battery. Connectivity series include 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS.