Earlier, HTC announced that it will rollout the Android 5.0 Lollipop update to its offerings within 90 days of receiving the code from Google. Now, the Taiwan based vendor has confirmed that it has received the final code and that it will debut with the proceedings to rollout the official updates for its flagship smartphone, HTC One (M8) and its predecessor, One (M7).
As per official HTC Twitter account, both the smartphones will receive the Android 5.0 Lollipop update in just 90 days from November 3rd that is in early-February 2015. Furthermore, the vendor has added that it will reveal the details of other devices that will get the update soon.
As per previous reports, HTC Desire Eye along with HTC One (M8) Dual SIM, HTC One (M7) Dual SIM, HTC One (E8), HTC One (E8) Dual SIM, HTC Butterfly 2, HTC One Mini, HTC One Mini 2, HTC One Max, HTC Butterfly S and HTC Desire 816 will get to relish the taste of Lollipop sometime next year. Those Desire smartphones which are based on MediaTek processors are still under evaluation.
Along with Android 5.0 Lollipop update, the devices will also receive the HTC Eye Experience update, but not all features will be available on older HTC devices, claims report.
In another news, according to Taiwanese media Focus Taiwan, HTC's Chang Chia-lin has confirmed to them that the company will be coming up with its own-branded tablets sometime next year. Another HTC exec on-board has revealed that the market for ultra-cheap tablets are not profitable and that the importance of 7-inch tablets is now blurred out due to extra-large smartphones.
This indicates that the upcoming HTC's own-branded tablet won't be cheap and would rather be a mid-end or high-end one with screen size of more than 7-inches. Expect to here more about HTC-branded tablet in the coming months. (via)