HTC in a silent move has announced the launch of two new mid-range Android smartphone in the Indian market couple of weeks ago. Dubbed as HTC Desire 526G+ and Desire 816G, the smartphone comes with octa-core processor and are already available across the country. The new variant of Desire 816G launched comes with upgraded processor and more storage space, rest of the specifications are similar to the original Desire 816G.
According to HTC, the Desire 526G+ comes in two storage options, 8GB and 16GB and is available in two colour options, Glacier Blue and Lacquer Black. With the 8GB version can be grabbed for Rs. 10,400 and is exclusively available from online retailer Snapdeal and the 16GB version is priced at Rs. 11,400 and is available via major retailers in the country.
On the other hand, the new variant of Desire 816G is priced at Rs. 19,990 in the country and is already available everywhere. The smartphone is powered by 1.7GHz octa-core processor and has 16GB of internal storage space.
Other specifications of Desire 816G include a 5.5-inch HD display, 1GB RAM and Android 4.4 KitKat with HTC Sense 6. The smartphone is 7.9mm thick and weights 158 grams. Other specifications include a 13MP rear camera with LED flash, a 5MP front camera, microSD card support and 2,600 mAh battery.
On the other hand, the Desire 526G+ comes with a 4.7-inch qHD display, 1.7GHz octa-core processor, 1GB of RAM and Android 4.4 KitKat with HTC Sense 6 on top. The smartphone measures 139.8 x 69.65 x 9.8mm and weights 158 grams and has dual-SIM support with dual standby feature.
Other specifications include a 8MP rear camera with LED flash, a 2MP front camera, 8GB / 16GB internal storage with microSD card support and 2,000 mAh battery. Connectivity series include 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS.