The rumoured LG One Smartphone has been leaked again on the web. But, now through some official LG Promo Shots. The images which you can see below were leaked by famous serial leaker @Evleaks. The images clearly shows that LG will be not using "OPTIMUS" tag anymore on their high-end devices, as rumoured earlier. The smartphone will be dubbed as LG G2 and not as LG Optimus G2.
In related, RBMen are reporting that, LG might get a head start with July launch of the LG G2. According to them, the LG G2 will actually launch in Korea next month, before the August 7th Event. The reason for this head start is that, LG is doing this to combat the Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE-A, which features Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 Processor and LTE-Advanced support.