Samsung has officially announced the rumoured Galaxy S4 with LTE-Advanced & Snapdragon 800 Processor. Dubbed as Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE-A, it is the world's first smartphone to carry LTE-Advanced support. The upgraded version of original Galaxy S4 not only carries better data download speed but also carries better performance improvement, due to the presence of SD800 CPU.
According to the press release issued by Samsung, the Galaxy S4 LTE-A will be available in two colour options, Blue Arctic & Red Aurora. The smartphone will be available for sale in market in South Korea this summer.
The Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE-A comes with improved processor, network and memory. Samsung has clocked a 2.3GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor on Galaxy S4 LTE-A with LTE-Advanced support and 32GB internal storage. Rest specifications remains the same as of the original.