Samsung launched two variants of Galaxy S4, one running Snapdragon 600 Processor and other running Exynos 5 Octa-Core Processor. And after both these variants, Samsung Galaxy S4 running Snapdragon 800 Processor was spotted getting DLNA Certification this week. After DLNA now its time to reveal the UAProf Listing and AnTuTu Bechmark listing.
After this, all the three variants were spotted individually giving some test and attending some list. First, SHV-E330S & SHV-E330L were spotted in AnTuTu Benchmark Listing giving some mind blowing results.
On AnTuTu, Samsung Galaxy S4 SHV-E330S Variant ripped all the records and came on top with 31,491 points whereas Galaxy S4 SHV-E330L Varinat scored only 27,840 points. Let's not mention that Snapdragon 800 Galaxy S4 broke its own record after the Exynos 5 Octa-Core Scored 31,127 points on AnTuTu.
The same variant (SHV-E330S) has also received its Wi-Fi Certification, so everything seem to be set for Korea release.
After this SHV-E330K was spotted in UAProf Listing, confirming the device to come with Full HD 1080p resolution Display.
It is now clear that Samsung will be announcing the Galaxy S4 running Snapdragon 800 Processor in coming days. Also, we will be seeing many more device in future running Snapdragon 800 Processor like HTC One Max, Samsung Galaxy Note III, LG Optimus G2 and Sony Xperia Z Ultra.
The question is that, who will be the first manufacturer to reveal their device with Snapdragon 800 Processor making it world's first model running world's fastest Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 Processor.