Karbonn has announced their next Titanium S smartphone today in India, dubbed as Karbonn Titanium S9, the smartphone is the most expensive phone from Karbonn. Priced at Rs. 19,990, the handset comes with 5.5-inch HD IPS display and is the latest flagship device from the company. The smartphone is the successor of original Karbonn Titanium S5, which is going good in market. As Karbonn has already announced their plans to launch the Titanium S6 with Full HD display and better specs, what is the reason behind Titanium S9?
Coming back to S9, the smartphone come with a 5.5-inch HD IPS display running on 1.2GHz Quad-Core Processor, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and 1GB RAM. The device also comes with 13MP rear camera with LED Flash with 5MP front facing camera. As usual, the phablet has dual-SIM support (GSM+GSM) and 3G support.
Specs & Features of Titanium S9 -
- Display - 5.5-inch HD IPS with 720p resolution
- Processor - 1.2GHz Quad-Core
- Android OS - 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
- RAM - 1GB
- Camera -
- Rear - 13MP with LED flash
- Front - 5MP
- Storage - 16GB with 32GB expandable
- Battery - 2600mAh
In addition, the phablet include a 2600mAh battery and comes with 16GB internal memory (which is a good upgrade), with 32GB expandable memory using microSD Card. According to Karbonn the device will be available in markets in coming days with a free flip cover.