As promised, Samsung has officially launched the Tab 3 series tablets in India today at an event held in Delhi. The tablets, which Samsung announced today in Delhi are the Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 (3G) and Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 (3G and Wi-Fi both). Both the tablets were launched this year, one in April and one in June resp. The tablets are priced for much higher bucks than expected.
Coming back to the pricing, the Galaxy Tab 3 211 will be available in India for Rs. 17,749 (3G), while the Tab 3 310 and Tab 3 311 will be available for Rs. 21,945 (WiFi) and Rs. 25,725 (3G) respectively. All the three tablets will go on sale in India from 21st July on-wards, i.e. Sunday.
Talking about the specifications, the Galaxy Tab 3 211 sports a 7-inch WSVGA TFT display having 1024x600p resolution, 1.2GHz Dual-Core Processor, 1GB RAM and Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. The tablet also features 3MP rear camera with 1.3MP front facing camera, 4000mAh and 16GB internal storage, with 32GB expandable memory using microSD Card. The tablet is 9.9mm thick and weighs 306 grams. Connectivity series include, 3G HSPA+,WiFi a/b/g/n (2.4/5GHz), WiFi Channel Bonding, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 3.0 and GPS + GLONASS.
Whereas, the Galaxy Tab 3 310/311 sports a 8.0-inch IPS LCD display having 1280x800p resolution with 189PPI density, 1.5GHz Dual-Core Processor, 1.5GB RAM and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. The tablet also features 4450mAh Battery, 5MP rear camera with 1.3MP front facing camera and 16GB internal storage, with 64GB expandable memory using microSD Card. The tablet is 7.4mm thick and weighs 314 grams. Connectivity series include, 3G HSPA+ (Only in Tab 3 311) ,WiFi a/b/g/n (2.4/5GHz), WiFi Channel Bonding, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS + GLONASS (Only in Tab 3 311).
Both the tablets also comes with Samsung's My Services Bouquet content. As an introductory device, Samsung is offering Galaxy Tab 3 owners Rs. 20,000 free download content from My Services. In addition, Samsung has partnered with Vodafone to provide 2GB of free data per month for 2 months to Galaxy Tab 3 211 and 311 owners.