LAVA has officially launched two new smartphones in India. Dubbed as LAVA Iris 505 and Iris 506Q, the smartphones were recently spotted for sale on an online retailer. LAVA has launched Iris 505 in India for Rs. 9,599, but the smartphone is available online at a discounted price for Rs 8,999. Whereas, LAVA Iris 506Q has been launched in India for Rs. 10,999. Both the smartphones are now available across India.
Other specifications include 4GB internal storage (2.25GB user available) with 32GB expandable using microSD card and 2,000 mAh battery. Iris 506Q supports 3G connectivity, FOTA, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth with A2DP and GPS.
On the other hand, LAVA Iris 505 comes with a 5-inch WVGA display, 1.2GHz Dual-Core processor, 512MB RAM, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, Dual SIM support (GSM+GSM) with Dual standby feature and 5MP rear camera with LED flash along with 0.3MP VGA front camera.
The smartphone also comes with 4GB internal storage (1.9GB user available) with expandable upto 32GB using microSD card and 2,000 mAh battery. Similar to Iris 506Q, Iris 505 supports 3G connectivity along with Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth with A2DP and GPS.