Samsung has started rolling out the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for Samsung Galaxy S4 recently. The update is currently available for both the Galaxy S4 variants, the GT-I9500 (Exynos variant) and GT-I9505 (Snapdragon 800 variant). The first country to get the Android 4.3 update for GT-I9505 is Germany, whereas Russia is the first country to get the update for GT-I9500. The update is available via both Kies and OTA (over-the-air).
The official change-log is not yet available from Samsung, but as per Sammobile report, the update brings the following list of changes.
NOTE: The Android 4.3 update for Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 lacks the OpenGL 3.0 and Galaxy Gear support, rest all the changes are same as the GT-I9505.
- OpenGL 3.0
- Galaxy Gear Support
- TRIM Support (Makes the device much faster)
- ANT+ Support
- Samsung KNOX Implementation (KNOX bootloader and dedicated application)
- Pre-loaded Samsung Wallet
- Improved RAM management
- Improved Display colour reproduction (Display looks much sharper than before)
- Improved TouchWiz Launcher (Much less launcher redraws and less lag)
- New Samsung Keyboard
- New Samsung Browser (Full screen by default, new tab interface and more)
- New Reading Mode (Optimises display for reading, used by only a few specific applications)
- New Camera firmware
- Minor UI tweaks (Contacts app, Flashlight Widget, dialog boxes etc)