We all know that the Nexus 5 has a camera bug that overuses the CPU of the device and drains the battery at a pretty fast pace. But Google is said to be working on a fix for the same which will come via the next Android update which is 4.4.3 and is currently under testing with a build number of KTU72B. A log file of a Nexus 5 running on the same has been detected as well.
The report comes courtesy of a renowned leakster, LlabTooFeR which has a pretty good track record when it comes to leaking news.
Coming to what we can expect in the Android 4.4.3 update, we can expect the camera bug to be fixed for sure which was also mentioned by the good folks back at Google. The update will also bring many other small bug fixes and improvements.
Many users were reporting issues on the device after the update and the update is expected to take care of the minor issues the users have had till now.
Google is testing a new build version of KitKat so we can safely expect other new changes to come in as well. Though they will be minor in nature, they’ll contribute to an overall better user experience. Do let us know if you are facing any issues with your Nexus 5 after updating to Android 4.4.2 KitKat.
Image Courtesy: Android Central