Samsung originally launched the Galaxy S4 in two colours, Black Mist and White Frost. Earlier this year, Samsung announced a new colour variant of the Galaxy S4 — Samsung Galaxy S4 Black Edition. This new variant of the Galaxy S4 comes in pure black colour along with high-quality leather-like textured black back cover and bezel. The same is now available in India.
The news was first reported by Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom on its Twitter profile. The price of Galaxy S4 Black Edition remains the same as the Galaxy S4, which is just Rs. 29,500.
In addition, the Black Edition Galaxy S4 also come preloaded with a suite of eight dedicated wallpapers for both the home and lock screens as well as several new and exclusive ringtones with Black themed TouchWiz UI.
The specifications of the smartphone are the same as the Galaxy S4, which include a 5-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display, 1.6GHz Exynos 5 Octa-Core processor (1.6GHz quad-core Cortex-A15 + 1.2GHz quad-core Cortex-A7), PowerVR SGX 544MP3 GPU, 2GB RAM and Android 4.4.2 KitKat pre-installed.
Other specifications include an 13MP rear camera with LED flash, 2MP front facing camera, 16GB internal storage with microSD card support and 2,600 mAh battery. Connectivity series include WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth v4.0, IR LED, MHL 2.0, HSPA+ support, NFC and GPS/GLONASS.