Samsung has started rolling out the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update to its devices due for an upgrade and it is being tested to be rolled out for mid-ranger. Samsung is working on bringing it to low end devices too and is also working on the Android 4.4.3 update. The update will be brought to some of the high end devices to start with and update with build number KTU70 on the to-be-announced Android’s version is being tested on the Galaxy S5 in both its guises and the LTE-A version of the Galaxy S4.
Android 4.4.3 KitKat update is being worked upon in order to integrate the same with TouchWiz and other software and features that come along with it.
Google plans on rolling out the 4.4.3 KitKat update before the I/O event or may do so even before May ends (probably not). So as soon as the I/O event gets concluded, the update will start rolling out for the flagship devices at least.
What’s interesting is that the Galaxy S4 LTE-A version hasn’t got itself Android 4.4.2 till now but the 4.4.3 version is being tested on it. The mid rangers from the stable of Samsung which are the Grand 2, Mega 5.8 and Mega 6.3 will get updated to Android 4.4.2 in June. They might get updated to Android 4.4.3 too right away and that might result in the update coming in later in July/August.