These days, rumor mills are heavily churning about the HTC One (M8) Prime that is tipped to be the premium variant of the current flagship phone from the Taiwanese tech titan. Latest reports hint that the device will flaunt a large 5.5-inch Quad HD display boasting a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. Well, the handset has been teased by entrusted leakster @evleaks, who has posted a 360-degree render of the One (M8) Prime.
Along with the render, the source also claims that the device will come with a 5.5-inch QHD display, mighty Snapdragon 805 processor with support for Cat LTE 6 and 3GB of RAM. Interestingly, this top-tier model is also claimed to feature a waterproof build like the high-end phones in the market. To make this possible, the handset is made using a composite material combining aluminum and silicone.
The render indicates that the company will be incorporating the Duo Camera that is included in the One M8 on the Prime. But, as you can see the camera module is slightly raised. The raised camera module could mean that the Prime's camera sensor is larger than 4MP one offered on the One (M8).
Similarities apart, the Prime variant will feature a noticeable change in the placement of the power button at the side instead of the top. The flagship phone was criticized for having the power button at the top that made it tough to lock and unlock the device and with the side placement, the One M8 Prime will be easier to turn on.
LG is all set to announce its QHD phone – LG G3 on May 27 and Samsung is also rumored to be prepping a QHD Galaxy S5 Prime smartphone that is on tow to be released in the coming months. If HTC also releases its premium model at right time it can definitely be a competitor to its challengers.
In addition to the 360-degree render leak of the One M8 Prime, the HTC M8 Ace that was spotted in the rumors last month has also popped up in a fresh leak. HTC has put up a teaser on its official Twitter account hinting that a handset with beautiful curves is ahead.
Following this, a leaked image of the M8 Ace in Red with a curved back polycarbonate panel has hit the web. As per this leaked image revealed by a Chinese website ifanr, the handset seems to miss out the signature Duo Camera. Also, the power button on M8 Ace is placed at the top-centre, something not seen in the HTC One (M8).
The HTC M8 Ace is speculated to arrive with a 5-inch Full HD display boasting a 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution and powered by a 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor. It is believed that the device will be priced at CNY 3,000 (approx. Rs 28,300). No word on when the smartphone will be launched, but we expect HTC to debut the same by next month.