Motorola made all the heads turn towards it with the launch of Moto X, Moto G and Moto E lately. These smartphones, available in different price brackets have garnered a lot of attention gathering a massive success for the firm. According to a Times of India report, the former Google acquired firm has sold over one million units since the past five months.
To sell its offerings in India, Motorola tied up with e-commerce portal giant Flipkart. The retailer mostly ran out of stock of Moto G and Moto E that were competitively priced and they have managed to sell like hot cakes. But, such enormous sales figures have helped Motorola to become one among the top five smartphone vendors in the country.
Following this, Flipkart co-founder Sachin Bansal has stated, “We believe these sales figures should put Motorola among the top five mobile brands in the country.”
For now, Motorola was a sole player in the entry-level and mid-range segment to attract massive sales, but soon it will find a tough competition with Xiaomi which is also rumoured to sell its offerings exclusively via Flipkart The China based vendor will be releasing the Xiaomi Mi3 smartphone for Rs. 14,999 on July 15th, 2014.
Moreover, the Mi3 features advanced specifications including a Full HD display, Snapdragon 800 processor, better camera, NFC, juicier battery and other improvements as compared to the Moto G, while being priced similarly.