Samsung on Thursday officially took the wraps off a new smartwatch running on Tizen-based wearable platform. Dubbed as Samsung Gear S, the smartwatch comes with built-in SIM card slot (3G connectivity) and curved Super AMOLED display. Along with Gear S, Samsung has also announced the new Samsung Gear Circle wireless earphone. According to Samsung, both the Gear S and the Gear Circle will be available in global markets beginning October.
Talking about the Gear S first, the smartwatch is the first from the company to come with 3G connectivity. It allows users to read messages and notifications, make and receive calls, send/reply text messages and/or get calls forwarded from their smartphones.
On the specifications front, Samsung Gear S comes with a 2.0-inch curved Super AMOLED display with resolution of 360 x 480 pixels, 1GHz dual-core processor, 512MB RAM, Tizen based wearable platform, 4GB internal storage space and 300mAh battery, which is capable to last for 2 days under typical usage.
The watch is 12.5 mm thick and includes series of sensors which include Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, Heart Rate, Ambient Light, UV and Barometer. Connectivity series include 2G / 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, A-GPS/GLONASS, Bluetooth 4.1 and USB 2.0. The Gear S is IP67 certified, that is dust and water resistant.
Coming to Samsung Gear Circle now, it is a wireless earphone which when paired with a smartphone through a Bluetooth connection allows users to receive calls, listen to music and make voice commands. It features a magnetic lock which clasps around the user’s neck when not in use, as well as vibrates to signal incoming calls and notifications.