Few days back, the second largest handset manufacturer in the country, Micromax announced its new subsidiary, YU Televentures that will be releasing devices under the YU brand starting from the next month. Confirming the previous rumors, Micromax has partnered with Cyanogen Inc. to launch these devices that are aimed to provide customized software and services to the users.
The first such product that will be launched by the YU brand will be a smartphone that is based on CyanogenMod OS based on Android. Also, it is revealed that this new smartphone will be priced to make it affordable.
According to the Founder of Micromax, Rahul Sharma, the smartphone is targeted towards the tech enthusiasts interested in bootstrapping that is nothing but rooting. After this process, though the smartphone’s warranty becomes void, the executive added that Micromax will continue to honor it even after rooting.
Users of CyanogenMod based smartphones can carry out numerous customizations and the features of the first such smartphone that will be launched in December will be going live on the official YU website by the end of this month. With the numerous customizations, users can change the look and feel of their devices as per their requirements.
It appears like Micromax is aiming to become like Xiaomi by going online for the YU devices. By the launch of the YU brand exclusively online, the vendor can achieve the direct to consumer model like the Chinese manufacturer.
The Micromax executive also added that apart from a smartphone, the YU brand will also come up with other products such as smart bands and smart shirts. For now, there is no word on the details of the upcoming YU smartphone officially and we need to wait till the end of this month to know them.