According to a claims by Cyanogen, leading India based vendor Micromax has inked a deal with the firm to release a CyanogenMod based handset by the end of this year. The report adds on that Cyanogen turned down a buyout offer from Google by SVP of Android, Sundar Pichai.
As per an Android Police report, Cyanogen CEO Kirt McMaster revealed to shareholders about the spurned deal from Google claiming that the firm is more focused on getting hold of the third round of funding that is valued to $1 billion.
The deal with Micromax confirms the intention of Cyanogen in willing to make some money. The firm has also partnered with other manufacturers such as OnePlus and Oppo, but the success is limited as the user base of the custom OS is increasing.
Moreover, the report adds on that release date of the Micromax CyanogenMod handset is yet to be finalized, but if it is authentic, Cyanogen might be affecting the Android One market largely.