After launching the Galaxy Note 4 in the country last month, Samsung earlier this week reduced the price of several of its smartphones and tablet. The smartphones which have got a price-cut include the Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 LTE, Galaxy Grand 2 and Galaxy Grand Neo. In addition, Samsung has also reduced the price of the Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 (T231). In addition, Samsung has started selling the Samsung Gear S in the country.
Talking of the new prices, Samsung Galaxy S5 is now available for Rs. 34,900, while the Galaxy S5 LTE costs just Rs. 36,900. On the other hand, the Galaxy Grand 2 is now priced at Rs. 16,900 and the Galaxy Grand Neo can be grabbed for Rs. 12,500. And finally the Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 (T231) is now retailing for Rs. 15,700.
In another news, the already launched Samsung Gear S smartwatch with 3G connectivity is now finally on sale in the country. The Gear S was launched in the country last month for Rs. 28,900, but is now available from Samsung India e-Store and brick and mortar stores for Rs. 27,900, which is Rs. 1,000 cheaper compared to the launch price.
On the specifications front, Samsung Gear S comes with a 2.0-inch curved Super AMOLED display, 1GHz dual-core processor, 512MB RAM, Tizen based wearable platform, 4GB internal storage space and 300mAh battery. The smartwatch allows users to read messages and notifications, make and receive calls, send/reply text messages and/or get calls forwarded from their smartphones. The Gear S is IP67 certified.
The watch is 12.5 mm thick and includes series of sensors which include Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, Heart Rate, Ambient Light, UV and Barometer. Connectivity series include 2G / 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, A-GPS/GLONASS, Bluetooth 4.1 and USB 2.0.