Whenever we hear the word Electromagnetic Field Radiation or Electromagnetic Field Emission (EMF Emission henceforth), first thing that pops up in our mind is its effect on human health. Denying these myths, telecom experts along with doctors came together for Electromagnetic Field (EMF) testing to measure EMF emissions from mobile towers.
The EMF emission levels inspection was carried out on telecom towers in Guwahati at Ashok Path, Belotla, High School, Hatigaon, and Hatigaon Road by a team of experts led by officials from the Telecom Enforcement, Resource & Monitoring Cell (TERM) and Department of Telecommunications (Ministry of Communications, Govt. of India).
This testing was a part of an awareness programme on EMF emissions conducted by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and Min. of Communications on EMF Emissions. "This is part of a nationwide public outreach campaign to dispel myths about EMF Emissions and quell unfounded fears of citizens through scientific evidence," noted DoT in press brief.
All towers were well under the prescribed limit of radiation during the surprise inspection by DoT.
It was found that all towers in that location were transmitting well within permissible limits. Surprisingly, in most cases the towers were radiating much lower than the prescribed limits in India.
Shri J.S. Deepak, Secretary, Telecom Commission, DoT, during his address said,
“We are absolutely committed to protect the health of our citizens, the standards for Electromagnetic Radiation limit that DoT has prescribed for emission from mobile towers are ten times stricter than the international standards prescribed by ICNIRP and recommended by WHO. Indian Government has taken adequate steps to ensure that Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs) strictly adhere to these norms. The Government recognizes the challenges for the sector & the people at large and is striving to empower the citizens with facts that help them make informed decisions. We want to continue working together to create a fully connected and empowered India and for that we require more towers. Propagation of such myths is detrimental to the progress of nation.”Talking of numbers, the average radiation from towers monitored in three locations was 3.60% of the limits set by the DoT. The level of emission near Ashok Path, Beltola was 22.95 milliwatts per sq. mtr. (mwpsm). High School, Hatigaon also had a reading of 13.13milliwatts psqm and the last site Hatigaon Road had reading of 12.64 mwpsm.
Radiation Level
Prescribed Limit
Actual Reading as %age of Prescribed
Path, Beltola
22.95 mwpsm
450 mwpsm
School, Hatigaon
13.13 mwpsm
450 mwpsm
12.64 mwpsm
450 mwpsm
(*numbers as per tests by TERM Cell)
A penalty of Rs. 10 lakh per incidence is imposed in case any Base Transceiver Station (BTS) site is found to violate the prescribed EMF norms. If the violation persists, sites can also be closed down.
Study undertaken by World Health Organisation (WHO) and various in-depth researches around the globe on EMF radiations have concluded that there is no established fact in the claim that EMF emissions are detrimental to human health. The Government of India has also laid down strict guidelines on this issue and has been constantly making efforts in monitoring the same.