Korean manufacturer, LG, is planning to launch their this year flagship device, LG Optimus G Pro in India on 4th July in Delhi. The phablet was originally announced at Mobile World Congress this year. Last month, LG hosted a Tech Show event in India, where they confirmed the launch of Optimus G Pro in India in June or July following the price tag around Rs. 40,000. The smartphone will be available in only White and Black colours, and will have Galaxy Note II as its tough competitor.
Update: LG has started teasing about the launch of LG Optimus G Pro in India via Google Ads. The company has also added a link to their new Microsite on Official LG India Website, which clearly says, "ImaGination Starts", pointing towards Optimus G Pro.
To remind you all, LG Optimus G Pro features a 5.5-inch True Full HD IPS+ display having a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels with 400PPI density. The phablet runs on 1.7GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 Processor with 2GB RAM and is only 9.4mm thick and weighs 172 grams.
The Optimus G Pro also comes with a whooping 3140mAh removable battery, Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, 13MP rear camera with LED flash and 2.1MP front facing camera. In addition, the smartphone has a 16GB internal memory with expandable memory upto 64GB. Software features include, Q Slide, Live Zooming, Quick Memo, Smart Video Eye Recognition, Dual-Camera, VR Panorama & more.
Reported - iGyaan