Samsung launched the original flagship Galaxy S4 in two variants, one running on Samsung's own Exynos 5 Octa Core Processor, whereas the other running on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 600 Processor. During that time, Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 So-C was going to go in mass production, and due to that it wasn't possible for Samsung to insert the SD800 chip inside the Galaxy S4. But, last month Samsung announced the new version of Galaxy S4 with LTE-A support and Snapdragon 800 CPU. Unfortunately the smartphone was exclusively made for Korean markets. But, wohoo, a new variant of Galaxy S4 with GT-I9506 as its model number has been spotted in Samsung UAProf Listing and in AnTuTu Benchmark, giving some confirmation of new International Galaxy S4 with SD800 pocessor and LTE-A connectivity.
The model GT-I9506 was recently spotted in Samsung's Official UAProf Listing, which confirms the device to sport Full HD 1920x1080p resolution display and ARM11 CPU. The device is also confirmed to run on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
For your understanding, User Agent Profile (UAProf) files are specification files that often describe the model, screen size and other features of the device before it goes official. Making such a file is not required, but gives a near-official confirmation of a device.
The GT-I9506 model was also spotted in AnTuTu Benchmark. The benchmark revealed the device running on Quad-Core Snapdragon 800 Processor clocked at 2.3GHz with Adreno 330 GPU clocked at 440MHz and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
Interestingly, this version of the Galaxy S4 has managed to score higher than the South Korean Galaxy S4 LTE-A. Below is the list of all the Galaxy S4 variant with their AnTuTu score.
- Samsung Galaxy S4 (SD800, GT-I9506) - 31123
- Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE-A - 29976
- Samsung Galaxy S4 (Exynos 5 Octa, GT-I9500) - 26275
- Samsung Galaxy S4 (SD600, GT-I9505) - 24716