Last month, a leaked schedule revealed that Samsung will be updating its flagship smartphones to KitKat in January 2014. Now, French carrier SFR, who has a good track record of giving away tentative dates for Samsung software update has released details on the Android 4.4 KitKat update for the Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy Note III.
According to SFR, Samsung will start rolling out the KitKat update for Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 in late January or early February next year.
Note that this is a tentative time frame that might change later on. The global update will also arrive in a similar time frame. To remind you all, that leaked schedule also revealed that, Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2 will receive the KitKat update in March or April 2014.
More details to follow soon.
Source - SFR
Via - SamMobile