Yesterday we showed you some images and a video showing new colours for the Nexus 5 getting ready to soon be published on the Google Play Store, which later on were labeled as being fake. And now, a new Nexus 5 model has posed in front of the camera somewhere in Vietnam. The model was wrapped in red colour, rather than in black or white, which reveals that Google is indeed going to launch new colour/s for the Nexus 5.
According to Webtrek, Google will be releasing a new red coloured Nexus 5 model in late February or March in Vietnam. The red Nexus 5 model will be followed by a yellow version of the phone, which will be released in Vietnam at the same time.
No word on international availability and other colour versions though. As usual, take the leak with a pinch of salt, as the red colour could also be a very thin case, you never know.
Source - Webtrek
Via - PhoneArena