Sony Launched Xperia Z & Xperia ZL in India on 6th March. This Two Smartphones are in Great Demand. Both the Smartphone features are almost same. Xperia Z is priced for Rs. 38,990 while Xperia ZL for Rs. 35,990. The price is very resonable, as compared to the HTC Butterfly, which is also very much identical to Xperia Z.
Xperia Z & Xperia ZL key features are, 5-inch TFT Full HD Display with 1920x1080p resolution, 1.5GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Processor, 16GB Internal Storage expandable to 32GB via microSD, 2GB RAM & 13.1MP Rear Camera with Exmor RS Sensor & 2.1MP Front Camera with Exmor RS Sensor. Sony Xperia Z has a Glassy Look, it has Glass on Both the Sides, Front & Back. While Xperia ZL has a Plastic back with Glass on Front Side.
Xperia Z & Xperia ZL key features are, 5-inch TFT Full HD Display with 1920x1080p resolution, 1.5GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Processor, 16GB Internal Storage expandable to 32GB via microSD, 2GB RAM & 13.1MP Rear Camera with Exmor RS Sensor & 2.1MP Front Camera with Exmor RS Sensor. Sony Xperia Z has a Glassy Look, it has Glass on Both the Sides, Front & Back. While Xperia ZL has a Plastic back with Glass on Front Side.
Sony has Confirmed that Xperia Z will be Launched for Rs. 38,990, while Xperia ZL will cost a bit less, for Rs. 35,990 & Xperia Z will come in Market from 12th March. They have also Stated that, the Stocks will come in only Selected stores currently. And rest all Market will get the Stock from 3week of March. We don't have info about the Availability of Xperia ZL. But it is Confirmed that Xperia Z will start the Sales from 12th March. But our Sources are confirming that Xperia ZL will also Go On sale from 12th March. Lets Hope for the Best.
Whereas Sony Center, Thane, has stated that, they will get the Stocks before 10th March. And they will give the First Set to all the Pre-ordered People.
Below are some Images & also a Video of the Xperia Z TV Ad, where Katrina Kaif is promoting it.